

書籍/中国古代二十四孝全図・18 楊香



Caiehing(Catching?) Hold of Tiger to Save His Father
Yang Hsiang, a boy of fourteen of the Chin
dynasty used to follow his father Fang to the
field for reaping harvest.

One day his father was caught and dragged
away by a tiger, in the meantime Hsiang had
not even an inch of iron in hand to fight the
beast with; but animimated(animated?) by the idea that 
his father was in danger, and he must give up
his life, forward he jumped up and got hold
of the tiger's neck.

So as it was, the tiger felt discouraged,
forsook his father, and ran away. Thus his
father was free from being killed.



初頴日記故事・14 楊香より
搤虎救親(虎をとらへて 父を救ふ)
晋の楊香は十四歳の時 常に父の豊(ほう)といへる人とともに 田にゆきて 粟をとる時に 思ひよらず虎きたりて父をくはへたり 楊香おどろきぬれど 手に小刀をだにもたず ただ父の大切なることを思ひ わが身ある事を思はず をどりあがりて 虎のかしらにしがみつきたり 虎又靡然(びぜん)とふりはなしてさりぬ ここにおひて 父やうやうと害をまぬかれしとなり
